Friday, February 22, 2013


Introductions make me feel silly, but I'll continue on anyway. Hi! I'm Bianca. I'm high school senior from Hawaii who's heading to Indiana University in the fall to study Art History. Things I'm obsessed with include: weird music, art and art history, film, books (even though I don't read as much as I would like), style & makeup, and food. With this blog I'm hoping to share my life (spoiler alert: it's boring) and current obsessions. I thought I was going to ramble on, but this is all I can manage to type out correctly without seeming incoherent. So for all 0 of the people reading this right now, welcome to my blog!

**I would also like to mention that I was going to include a picture of my face and whatnot until I realized that I have no "normal" pictures of myself. Maybe when I stop acting like an idiot in front of the camera you guys will be able to see my face.**